1. I'm going to write an article about contextualised interpersonal contact. Sport is contextualised interpersonal contact, you agree to people touching you by virtue of playing the game or (a more mundane example) showing up to get your hair cut. Touch is assumed to be part of the process. We can talk about parameters in other settings, but sport (particularly contact sport) does not need an overhaul. I do not think removing contact sport would make the world a better place at all - there's plenty of evidence to suggest sports requiring discipline and boxing in particular is very good for young men disaffected by the world. It channels aggression into meaningful and productive avenues - do away with it at your peril.
2. Not at all. It's a trait of competitive people. I have seen plenty of sports, particularly women's rugby where people are passionate and lose their temper with teammates and with the opposition. The answer here is to encourage the competitive nature of all people regardless of their sex (competition based temper blows over very quickly and is put down to the heat of the moment). The correct answer here is to treat men and women the same and women are being disadvantaged in the sports arena because a competitive nature and/or temper isn't sex dependent; simply the reactions of those around them are sexist. You're pushing for equality, you're pushing the wrong way. It shouldn't be 'men will be men' and 'she's being unsportsmanlike' it should be 'athletes will be athletes'
3. I work in a medium secure mental health facility working with very unwell people. So, yes. This happens a lot. :o)
4. I'm not really a fighter, I'll debate though. I think this is fairly good example of what I'd term 'femagoguery', a piece of writing written for women, by women. It's created a hyperbole 'oh men!!!' for everyone to get behind and misses the larger point that a) this was a non incident described as a 'bodyslam' and b) we should be pushing for it to be okay for women to be competitive and not for men (and competitive women) to be less so.
5. Should you fancy an away match in the argumentative camp, here's me discussing femagoguery further https://medium.com/p/342419b743a