All people of all colours can write about anything they want. They just have to be prepared for the fallout of what they write. Controversially perhaps, I want to read what racist people have to write about racism. I’d much rather read the work of an intelligent racist than an ill informed and preachy justice warrior. Medium is awash with the latter and doesn’t have enough of the former. I want to read nuanced pieces by black writers who dislike asians, from asians who dislike white people, and white people who are happy with the status quo. Deciding what people can and can’t comment on simply because of the colour of their skin is counter intuitive. Racists have as much to add to the discussion as non-racists. That’s how we get to a place of comprehension.That’s the human condition in all its beautiful complexity and it needs to be discussed.
So to answer your question, yes…. I think that white people can write about racism and more obliquely, I think that anyone can write about anything at all — just be prepared to fight your corner with rational intelligent argument and debate. If you just want to shout obscenities into the void and police who can and cannot say things, (regardless of whether you’re a racist or a social justice warrior) then you aren’t progressing anything or adding anything to the cultural understanding. You don’t have to shut up, just don’t expect to be taken seriously.
Great article. Thoroughly enjoyable. :o)