Although the psuedo-intellectual dig was a little unnecessary you raise some good points, but I'd like to challenge them and defend logic, reason and objectivity and what they have led to. A messy pluralistic liberal democracy.
I'll grant you, it isn't perfect. But whilst liberal democracies are debating whether businesses should be allowed to refuse gay couples cakes based on their sexuality (they shouldn't) - elsewhere in the world, homosexuality brings the death penalty. Summary execution without trial. How do I know? Because those people seek assylum in liberal democracies. In my country, it's possible for trans-people to have gender reassignment funded by the tax payer. In autocratic Russia, you'd get beaten to death.
In western democracies the feminist push is whether our political, business and legal spheres give women the same fair treatment as men. In Saudi Arabia the feminist push is whether women should be allowed to work and go places without male company - and to avoid being stoned to death if they 'commit adultery' (ie are raped).
The reason that the Western world is capable of doing these things is because we have a messy liberal democracy. The gradual move, in law and politics toward a more fair and equitable society. This isn't perfect and there's a lot of work to do, but liberal democracies are so far ahead of the rest of the world on this issue.
Having said that, they're treated as though liberal democracy is an inevitable outcome for everyone. That's short sighted assertion. Autocratic countries are playing catch up (primarily China). They're demonstrating the benefits of state corruption, of riding rough-shod over international agreements and their human rights record is.... problematic would be the diplomatic word.
So to get back to my point. All the things you've highlighted as 'unchecked' are very much checked. Things aren't perfect, but that's no reason to overthrow the government (storming the Capitol) or basic legal process (all men are guilty when they're accused). There is still work to do, but that work needs to be done by the contintuation of civil discourse, by the gradual emergence of sensible laws reflecting the needs of all citizens, not off the back of knee-jerk social activism. That is the place of logic, reason and context. Wokeism, and it's equal and opposite - the rabid alt-right, do nothing but destablise the fragility of the democratic experiment.
An experiment I have a vested interest in suceeding, for all the reasons outlined above.