Am neither a man nor a woman because I am a Penguin, however.... I've been clear in my writing I no longer identify as a feminist. The definition you have given in your article is a good one but it is not the one which is most readily evident in society or indeed on this platform. I prefer gender-egalitarian and will stick with it. Gender-egalitarians can be either sex (or a Penguin) and it lacks the confusing nature of male-issues vs female issues. Whilst there are more female empowerment issues needed to address across society, and around the world - the way we address those issues must be balanced and fair to both sexes.
That's why, when I asked where the feminists were when it came to thinking about all the men in Ukraine being conscripted. One ardent feminist popped up to say something along the lines of 'men have been raping women since the dawn of time, I'm not going to shed any tears if they want to go off and start wars'. This betrays a worldview that isn't feminist in the way you have described it.... rather one about leveraging the power of the discourse for one segment of society. That's why I can't get behind 'feminism' - there are too many of those people identifying themselves this way.
Gender-egalitarianism for me. Power to the Penguins.