And I'm going to point at the bit at the bottom marked 'legal disclaimer' which reads.
Legal DisclaimerThe Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) website provides general information that is intended, but not guaranteed, to be correct and up-to-date. The information is not presented as a source of legal advice. You should not rely, for legal advice, on statements or representations made within the website or by any externally referenced Internet sites. If you need legal advice upon which you intend to rely in the course of your legal affairs, consult a competent, independent attorney. RAINN does not assume any responsibility for actions or non-actions taken by people who have visited this site, and no one shall be entitled to a claim for detrimental reliance on any information provided or expressed.
And I'm going to direct you to the Sexual Offences Act (2003) - which is the relevant bit of legislation in my country. And reiterate my point that it's important to understand the law and not what you think the law might say.