Another blistering piece, hitting people in the feels and rightly so. I think where we disagree is on the phrase 'if you aren't helping to address these inequities' etc...
On this subject, and on other controversial subjects I attempt to hold the middle ground. That isn't a popular thing to do ever, because in many circles, anything short of absolute agreement is seen as an admission you're batting for the other team. That has certainly been my experience with questioning the wisdom of writers on this platform, with disagreement comes the threat of blocking. You and SC are rare in your willingness to both engage and continue to engage over an extended period of time.
This discussion with SC has been very fruitful. It has generated actual conversation between people who wouldn't ordinarily read each other's stuff. Sure, we've both had to bat a few bad-faith actors into the long grass, but she and I are both capable of doing so under our own steam. She is a little more fiery than I am - but that's no bad thing as men tend to be a little more bolshy with their approaches on her work. Until we can create a space for everyone to speak their mind, the conversation will go nowhere - and that is how I fully intend to address those inequities.
I don't think these issues can be addressed in echo chambers and I don't think these issues can be addressed without having a space where everyone can come to the table - misandry and misogyny get disproportionate air time in the narrative as it is and so we have to centre the moderates. There can only really be conversation if there is a centre ground where people get a fair hearing, where they get space to be wrong, and I'm not sure that can be done by women or men in isolation. There is too much fear and mistrust... but I am confident we can get there (albeit slowly)
And pieces like this really help. Thanks for writing and answering SC's call for input. And yes, we will still disagree on plenty in the future and that's entirely okay too - it's been four years and I've made peace with it. Keep on keeping on. :o)