Arguments can be shaped by identity – I will admit this is a factor, it comes with being human. But arguments can also be shaped by reasoning – what I try to do. Show my working out.
There are legitimate reasons why people might argue from emotion – there’s plenty of reason why someone might want to dismiss someone else’s view on the basis of what they look like or who they appear to be. This draws focus away from what they’re trying to say.
I am not a penguin, penguins don’t type and aren’t articulate. Im definitely a human. I can confirm penguins are adorable and that’s why I picked them. They’re also happen to be both black and white, difficult to sex from a distance and don’t belong with the birds or the fish. They’re occasionally gay, sometimes monogamous and have complex thought processes about money. How much of that played into my choice I can’t be sure – but the main thing is that they’re adorable.
Thanks for your comment. I’ve been a penguin for over a year now. Most people see what they want to see as the enemy. For a lot of people I’m a republican (I’m not American), to a lot of white people I’m black, and to a lot of black people I’m white. This morning I was slammed for being a religious fundamentalist (I’m a life long atheist). People need to focus on the words, not on the person they think is saying the words – because that inspires a lot of defensiveness.