As I explained, I'm not a right wing anything. I'm a left-leaning liberal. Being aware of an issue and being an idiot in how you communicate about the issue are different things. Woke encompasses the former and the latter - and the discussion with James Finn will demonstrate why.
It's not that JF is wrong in his views, it's simply that they lack nuance and he doesn't handle the complexity of being challenged without screaming. So, you have a go at answering the question I posed him. Do you think a marginalised religious or ethnic group like 1st generation Muslim immigrants should be allowed to keep their children out of state education that covers themes of LGBTQ+ inclusion that is incompatible with their belief structure? In short, do you want to be homophobic or racist? Everyone is encouraged to be woke and inclusive, without considering what happens when that inclusivity is incompatible.
As it happens, I think the answer is liberalism. Good old fashioned liberalism the way it used to be done by those on the left, not by those who purport to be on the left but who engage fully in the niche interests of one select group of people at the expense of everyone else. That's why girls and women must be awake to your dehumanisation but also when someone says you have to share a bathroom with someone who has a penis, you have to share a bathroom because to suggest otherwise is very un-woke.
Woke, and the totalitarian left is the best thing that has ever happened to the right wing. Dividing the arguments away from economic arguments which would reduce suffering across the board and turning it into a niche interest pissing contest has done nothing good for anyone and pulled the average centre ground liberal to the right.
Read the discussion I had with JF and tell me where I'm wrong. You've done lots of rhetoric about inclusion in your reply, but it's detail light on the complexity and rich tapestry that is society. Those of us that do want an equitable society don't need the label woke, we just need the idiots to be quiet for a while.