As I said in this article, I don't mind people holding this view - but I see the situation as slightly more complicated than this and not quite in the black and white polemic terms you have suggested. I think only biological females can give birth (or perhaps biological men in the fullness of time with significant technological input)... but for now, you've got to be anatomically female to give birth. All the men featured in this article were anatomically female.
But I see 'woman' and 'man' as social constructs around the idea of personhood itself. This means I have no problem with the idea of a 'female man' or a 'male woman'. It doesn't bother me that 'men' have babies in quite the same way it might upset a more Conservative or religious person.
As always, I don't mind people holding a contrarian position to me, be they Conservative or Trans.... society is pluralistic, but as a centre ground liberal, I'd always encourage each group to read widely the views of others. In your case, I'd recommend scrolling up and checking what Jenny Ian Ascencio has to say about this article. He has some excellent insights. :o)