As someone who specialises in differing perspectives, I think this is a little overstated. I'm afraid there are always going to be new eras of Medium, fortunes followed the early adopters, then they were passed over to the race-baiters and patriarchy-posse, now they're sitting with the doom-mongers. Eventually the fortune will go to the Penguins, not because we deserve it necessarily, but because we'll be the only ones left waddling when the time comes.
Medium has never been a place I came to make money, Medium has been a place I came to be read. And I am. In all my differing perspective glory. The monetisation of offering the chance of monetisation has long passed and those who try it now are bringing in ersatz copies of what you were doing before it was cool.
I've been writing here since 2018, you've got a two year head start on me - but I don't think of those times as a glory day. I see those early days as a struggle because so much of the oxygen was being taken up by people writing about productivity. This is an excellent and vibrant time to be an indie writer or a new writer on the platform. I'm excited for the newbies. It feels like anything is possible - and as long as they aren't motivated entirely by money I think they'll do well. People like Katie Jgln and Steve QJ have emerged into the space left behind by bigger voices going extinct.
Everyone has their time. You had a good run. The era of the Kueglersaurus Rex is done. The productivocene is over, here at least - I suspect it's just getting started over at Linked In. Don't go gently into the night, go kicking and screaming about scalability and profit margins. I believe in you. ;o)