As you can read, other trans-women have come in and commented with a little less fire, brimstone and death to JK Rowling. They raise interesting points that point to a general consensus forming about a sensible path forward for regulators and athletes. The point with self-identification is not that the competitors can't tell the difference between a trans-woman and a sociopath - it's simply that the rules do not allow enforcement of your 'fuck off' principle. On what grounds could a man be told to fuck off - if the only pre-requisite is that he declares himself to be a woman? The subjective say so of whomever is in charge? That would be an unmitigated disaster.
You have presumed I don't spend time speaking with or know any trans-women. That's a big assumption you've made there - and it's not one that works in your favour. I warned people about coming in hard and fast with bigot-flakes, that applies equally. I have concerns that the aggressive stance taken by some of the most vocal members of the trans-community sets others within the same community backwards. If you cannot understand the hesitancy around self-identification and sports, then you aren't listening properly. If you cannot listen properly then you are likely not part of the solution.
So, have another go. Think about what this article is really about and bring your expertise to the table rather than your volume and bombast.