Back when this story broke, I was one of the few people on this platform who wrote things like 'Maybe we should wait and see what comes out of this....' or 'perhaps there's more to this than meets the eye'... I was absolutely slammed by every 'feminist' who was writing at the time. If you weren't 110% behind Amber Heard then YOU were the problem. You may as well have abused her yourself.
Anyone with any sort of background in Psychology can see that Amber Heard has either BPD or some sort of mental health and personality problem that MIGHT affect her interpretation of objective truth. It may have been fine to 'believe her' in terms of support - but it was really fucking stupid to go on the offensive and try to end Johnny Depp's career, get him kicked out of everything and attack anyone who dared to defend him on her word alone. That should've been immediately obvious when his ex-partners came out in support. By then though, the damage was done.
And the damage was stupid for many reasons, the most notable of which is that it drastically undermined the progress of feminism. Anyone who is interested in seeing equality, parity and fairness between the sexes wouldn't naturally assume one sex has the monopoly on the truth. We have the legal system for that very reason.... and making the #BelieveAllWomen part of the movement has allowed those with a vested interest to throw the 'Amber Heard argument' at those who may not be exaggerating or making things up. It was a dick move for vulnerable women, and all anyone needed to do was think about the problem for more than a nano-second and play out the eventualities.
Those feminists who got carried away and mistook misandry for feminism set everyone back. If we'd just sat back and said 'hey, lets wait for due process on this one', we'd have a much stronger case for a careful rebalance of rights and responsibilities and we'd be in a better place overall. Now we have a gender based bun fight. It isn't that the entire feminist movement is full of shit - it's simply that the most vocal adherents are those most inclined towards misandry and those are the people controlling the narrative at key points in the development of the movement. I was right four years ago when I said we should wait and all those pieces on this platform that eviscerated Depp under the scorn of a million angry voices.... suddenly not in the back catalogues anymore. Funny that.
Edit: This answer has now become it’s own article.