Basically, you can say what you want as long as you are prepared to deal with the consequences of saying what you want. In a benevolent liberal democracy where everyone agrees with the basic tenets of freedom of speech, you're good to go.
If you want to say what you want in a place where saying what you want has consequences.... like North Korea, you might end up being shot. Whehter or not liberal democracies are turning into Orwellian self-regulating hellscapes is the question.
If the social contract changes so the accusation of 'you said something I don't like' has real world consequences, this has to be factored into what you choose to say. I think society moves down that path at its peril - and we're reaching a crucial juncture of whether we want to empower mob justice via social media or we want to consider it null and void.
It's too pre-coffee for all of us. People are shit.