Because they seem to lack any ability to see how they come across to the public. For example, setting out to tell us we all need to do our bit to save the environment - having attended a conference via private jet. Telling everyone they want to be left alone and need privacy and then selling an interview to Netflix. Being concerned about security and then writing a book containing information on how many people he killed whilst serving. They talk about how awfully they’ve been treated and then write books about the family.
Consistently saying one thing and then behaving in a contradictory way - this is lacking insight, similar to how a narcissist behaves. I don’t know them, but I do know there is a screaming gulf between what they say they want and what they do in practice. They have enough money to be able to live in upper class obscurity somewhere and not worry about anything for the rest of their lives - they continue not to do behave that way whilst insisting this remains their dream. It’s tiresome.