Big old swing and a miss there HJE. I've been a republican (British version) since I was old enough to understand what the monarchy was. And I did it on the grounds that it's incompatible with my beliefs in equality (specifically on the grounds of race). Here's an article I wrote 2 years ago.... called 'Oh you've only just realised the monarchy is racist?' where I outline my position.
Meanwhile, I suspect you were exactly the sort of flip-flop zeitgeist chasing woke-folk who loved the idea of Meghan marrying into Royal family. Those of us who weren't applauding her then (and I wasn't) were called 'racist' by activist-types who'd decided Meghan marrying into an antiquated racist institution was exactly what progression looked like. That's the problem with activists, you can't see more than ten minutes into the future and can't help falling over contradictions whenever you find them. Meghan and Harry kicking the royal family is like watching two people I can't stand punching each other in the face. I don't have to pick a side. I don't care who gets hurt the most and I'm delighted to let them slug it out in public.
This is just a last and follow up reminder that not agreeing with your world view and your definitions of oppression doesn't make someone racist. I'm an equal opportunity Penguin, I don't care what colour someone's skin is, I reserve the right to tell anyone they're wrong and there's no judgment either way on their melanin level. Intelligence and insight are not related to skin colour.