But when you paint 'Republicans' as one broad brush bunch of people, you do call them lunatics. There are some fanatical destablising anti-democratic fascists out there - but they are in the minority.
Have you asked anyone? Genuinely asked anyone why they voted for Trump? Have you engaged in that convesation, or have you presumptively presumed that they're idiots.
if that's the case - I'm not surprised they don't want to have a conversation. Consider the OP and his tone, I wouldn't want to talk to him either - even if I only voted Republican because I'm on the fiscal right wing but still a social progressive and my decision was an economic one.
There's a reason why there are 'shy' Trump voters, and a quick look at the comments being fired at me (a non Trump voting centre lefty calling for restraint) should explain why. The problem isn't exclusively with them and a little introspection from both sides should demonstrate why.