Can confirm despite my Penguin outward appearance, I am also a cat. I think I’m utterly unemployable these days. My last manager would get a timesheet every week with my contracted ‘20 hours’ filled in… but I’d do the work in my own time. It drove her insane. Some weeks I worked 40 hours, some weeks I worked 3. Overall it was probably about 10 hours a week because the job didn’t need 20 hours a week. I refused to attend meetings unless I was forced to because in most cases they’re pointless, I had four members of staff, held my team meetings in the pub and I took naps in the afternoon. When I was challenged on this by my exasperated manager, I sent her some studies on productivity and napping - when she said it wasn’t ‘a good look’ - I drove home for a few hours and split my day in half.
I won a National award for my work, got an Outstanding OFSTED assessment and was turned into a consultant so what I did could be replicated in other authorities. My manager eventually accepted I couldn’t be handled and gave up, doing little more than checking in once every few months. We got on better once she did that. :o)