Caring misanthrope is oxymoronic genius. I'm a fan. Humans seem to halve their intelligence with the doubling of population. That's why going on holiday with someone else's family is always a no-no.
I can separate it a bit - the way I see it. I don't mind people critiquing male culture, I don't generally mind people critiquing any culture. Culture is there and its open season on critique. The problem with misandry (and misogyny) is that it rarely suggests a way out of the problem, or suggests a solution which creates an equality or fairness between the sexes. Feminism needs to be proactively suggesting solutions in order to re-balance away from male dominated culture - instead it just spends a lot of time moaning about it.
I once heard someone say you 'shouldn't ever yuck someone else's yum' - but I might have some reservations about that person. People's sexual desires are very complicated and we should be talking about them a little more - in a (mostly) non judgemental way, because these things need resolving psychologically (sometimes).
I don't see taking criticism as a male/female thing, you'll get more overt objections to critique from male students (as I do too), but that doesn't mean you're not getting blowback from your female students, just means you're not hearing it. I have generally found both sexes will lump the advice (once their ego has calmed down) and only the PD kids will have a massive struggle.
I think lots of men and women present in infantile ways and expect the other sex to resolve the issues they present. I think, perhaps even more complicated, that some people from the opposite sex are psychologically primed to find those people and get a kick out of the ensuing codependency. That's years in the unpicking and far too complex a problem for society to deal with right now - but it feeds into the general view I have of the world.
And yeah, that is progress. :o)