Excellent article. You forgot to tell everyone how I single handedly freed Medium from the tyranny of professional journalists by taking a year off and making the odd snarky shit-post. Don't worry. I got you covered.
Medium has always been a place for amateur writers with important things to say - and like you I am over the moon about this new pivot. I expect to get more PGSH and less GEN in my life. I'm 100% here for that. Is good to see that I'm not alone in my celebrations, even if I will have to erase you from history like Zhukov and Trotsky when the full extent of the Penguin revolution unfolds.
Wherever you are in the world, grab a beer and raise it skywards. Give thanks to the Medium gods, the fickle algorithm and the laws of common sense. The platform is back in the hands of the writers that made it a place worth visiting in the first place. Cheers to you and cheers to this article :o)