Far and away the worst thing to happen to the political left was to split away from an economic argument towards an identity one. The redistribution of wealth down to poorest members of society will do more to end racism than almost all of the grandstanding by the middle class, whatever their skin colour may be.
You are ten times more likely to be in poverty if you’re a black American but there’s 10 times as many white people in poverty than black. The first is due to racism, the second is a political numbers problem that can’t be overcome by dividing people by skin colour. The political right will take white votes, the votes of BIPOC people who don’t care for victim mentality and the funding from rich white folks.
Identity based politics was the best thing that ever happened to the right wing. It keeps the left wing talking in circles and self immolating at the first sign of electoral success. The rich will keep the money, the middle class and misguided leftists will help them do it.
Very much enjoyed your article and looking forward to reading the next in the series. :o)