First up. Love the name.... secondly, it's pretty much the only sensible position to take in a society which lurches back and forth over every issue based on individual bias... I'm not sure why it's taking everyone so long to realise this.
If I were Lizzos backing dancer, whether it was untrue or not I would be opting for the 'no comment' position.... because if it is untrue then it will be proven and you don't get a reputation as someone who speaks to the press in an industry which dislikes this trait. if it is true but not proven you'd lose your job, and if it is true and proven true then likely everyone loses their job.
You'd have to bring me to court as a backing dancer and force me to say what I had to say. Other than that - I got nothing to say. No comment. Zip. Nada. Not my place. :o)