First up, never mentioned my own class status - that's part of the fun of being a Penguin.
Secondly, it has nothing to do with jealousy - that was a humorous dig at another writer on this platform, who writes like they are under attack in the poorest darkest corners of the Deep South, but is happily married and lives in central Europe. I'm not jealous of that fact, but I do think it's telling that a number of the most prominent writers on this platform who write about race are from an affluent middle class and have moved away from the USA.
No, I wrote an article about the British education system using statistics gathered by the British Government. Disparaties in wealth by ethnicity in the USA were not what this article was about - so you can throw them into the discussion but they aren't relevant. This was a rebuttal of the concept of universal 'white privilege', specifically in the UK, and specifically in the UK education system - where a different trend is emerging to the received wisdom.
It's a rational way to interpret the data because the data is there. I am not lashing out at people of colour, I'm not lashing out at all. I'm making a point. If you have been offended by the point, that's on you - but as I've pointed out many times before, nobody ever died of being offended.
Does it strike you that your socialisation causes you to lash out at anyone who does not accept, prima facie, your assertion that the only relevant facet of privilege worth considering is race?
I'm not going to applaud people for writing because that's a patronising way to treat BIPOC... oh well done you, you did it all yourself? Oh wow.... you can write?! I think there are plenty of great writers on this website, and I'm not in the slightest bit interested in their skin colour. If you're specifically looking for BIPOC writers I enjoy reading then Jeannette Espinoza is great (though I disagree with her on most things) and Steve QJ is excellent (and I agree with him on most things). Other writers, including the one I was alluding to with this jibe offer very little to the discussion. Umair Haque is also BIPOC and excellent at spinning a yarn, though I find his bleak tone a little overwhelming at times.
You know what would be better than applauding people escaping economic hardship. Moving the left back to a centrist model of economic socialism to raise everyone out of poverty.... before the extreme left push the demos into the willing arms of the next passing populist demagogue.