First up, this is an excellent essay and I wish it had blown up far more than a lot of the LGBTQ+ activism that gets people all riled up on this site. That's all hot air and very little thinking, this is all thinking. I wish I'd seen this 9 months ago, and I'm glad I've found it now.
Secondly, I think you've made a mistake here - and it's one that a lot of people make. You aren't disputing social justice, you're disputing the methods of achieving social justice. I get a lot of flack for being an 'ist' or peddling an 'ism' - but I'm a liberal. A genuine liberal not one of the new synthetic ones who believe we should only accept the ideas/things they believe in and nothing else.
It's perfectly okay and very much needed for people to question the methodology of social justice. As I've said to many BIPOC writers on this site who write about racism, I'm not against the eradication of racism - I'm questioning whether angry tirades at white people are the way to do it. I would say the same thing to the LGBTQ+ community. Sure... all liberals want acceptance, do we think inventing 28 gendersr and shouting at people about pronouns is helping or hindering?
I don't know whether you've seen it - but if you haven't, you'd probably enjoy seeing what happens when a semi-impoverished, mostly able bodied English Penguin meets an LGBTQ+ advocate. There is nothing weak about disagreement and polite dissent. Enjoy.