Fucking. Genius. Loved it - went looking for profanity and wasn't disappointed and very much a functional part of this article. I love arty and creative people because they're almost always a combination of interesting life moments and batshit thought processes - and I'm totally here for that.
See trap one for the very personal piece
I had a similar piece, putting my heart and soul into it very early on in my Medium career - and about 2 people read it, nearly threw me off my writing completely. Keep your story out in the world - but build a loyal following first and then re-write it, or do a sequel and link back, I'd recommend when you're at 1000 followers or so, to give the algorithm a bit of time to get you some traction. It won't take you very long to amass that sort of following with this kinda style of writing you've got.
Very enjoyable indeed. :o)