Glibness aside, this is a fascinating article and one which resonates very well. My day job (for want of a better expression) is challenging Consultant Psychiatrists on behalf of patients, those medical people who believe they are doing science but are in fact often engaging in their own form of mental health philosophy. Quite often after listening to a beleaguered CP explain the psychoanalytical models they’re working from, they’re dismayed when I ask them for a risk assessment grounded in actual evidence gathered. I may be the most argumentative bird on Medium, but it’s a doddle compared with real life.
I am not academic or bright enough to know what all of this article is relates to, but I did enjoy it immensely, I am also smart enough to say I am neither a scientist nor a philosopher. Should I ever accidentally become one or the other I will be sure to resign immediately due to imposter syndrome. :o)