Go and read Deuters testimony from the U.K. case - in his entire statement he recalls the incident in which Heard alleges she was kicked in the back etc and says instead that Depp tapped her on the bum with his shoe. He even drew the layout of the plane as evidence.
He’s also explicit in his deposition that no abuse occurred. This was done and dusted in the previous case and the deposition under threat of perjury likely superseded the digital evidence Heard’s team brought. Particularly given her predilection for altering digital things. TMZ video, colour correcting photos etc. Her own team may have elected to keep them out. But likely didn’t need to. Why?
Presumably the US judge was aware of all this, and read Deuters testimony from the U.K. trial and decided they were inadmissible because they weren’t written by Deuters. He could’ve come in and answered questions like ‘did you write this?’ - to which he would’ve answered ‘no’ and that would’ve been that. And all his London testimony would’ve been available for Depp’s team to use. I don’t know why you think this would be a good strategy for Heard… it could’ve and most likely would’ve backfired spectacularly.
As it happened, Depp’s team tried to bring in Deuters wife Gina, to testify against Heard - but she was given her marching orders by the judge for watching shit on Twitter.