Great article. Very enjoyable and nice to see other people articulating thoughts I’ve had for a while, and doing it better than I can. Romantic relationships are one of a myriad of available relationships and it took me until my late twenties to work out that prioritising them is a fools errand. Polyamory and different types of love are an important part of how we interact with the world - monogamous relationships often stifle the other more expressive types of relationship. I’ve been ten years polyamorous, consider friendships as important as lovers and sometimes don’t distinguish between the two. Sex with friends can be fun, it doesn’t have to be ‘lovemaking’.
It’s a modern world where everything and anything is up for redefinition in the modern age. Information sharing has led to lots of questioning and consideration - and that’s no bad thing. Keep on keeping on, and thanks for writing such a banging article. :o)