Great article. I'm not a Conservative, but I'm going to raise one point - and it comes from working within the world of child protection. There are plenty of charities who work towards erradicating child abuse and there are plenty of people who do lots of good work in those charities - but sometimes, the methodology employed by a given charity isn't optimal. In some cases, the structure of the charity, the way it distributes its resources and the requirements it places upon it's workers don't make the situation better.
It's perfectly possible to be your best self, believe you are doing the right thing and make things worse for the people you're trying to help. I have found when trying to make a case for the left to abandon identity politics and to return to an economic model of socialism - the left has been particular unforgiving. The division being created between cente ground liberals (in which I class myself) and leftist- liberals, who advocate for mandated tolerance and re-working language is one that will come back and kick everyone in the ass, regardless of skin colour, sexuality or genitals.
Democracy itself can only be sustained by the interplay between moderates on the right and left, otherwise you are left with two opposing factions who cannot speak to each other and who both believe they have the answer to social ills. You have Europe in the 1930s, in which moderates were radicalised one way or the other and the resultant Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
Accusing people of virtue signalling is lazy.... but so is virtue signalling itself. Dealing with injustice is long and complicated and requires a huge amount of thought. Whacking a sticker up in your window does not. As I said at the start of this comment, I'm not a Conservative - but like your picture suggests, it's best to 'question everything' and that means both sides of the political spectrum.