Hey Shawna, I work in mental health. At the sharp end where things can get a little scary - and taking your meds is exactly what good mental health hygiene is, along with therapy and spending a bit of time thinking about thinking. There will be relapse plans and support systems and requirements for medications that most other people in the world don't have to think about, so definitely cut yourself some slack here. You can only control what you can control.
You cannot control having Schizoaffective Disorder, but you can control how you respond to it and how you engage with it. It may be a slog but it is a slog worth doing on a journey towards being the best person you can be. You don't have to be perfect - nobody is, you are the only person who is you, you are complicated and nuanced - and remember, good mental hygiene is often about knowing when to ask for help.
Glad I made you think and thanks for joining in with the comments section. :o)