Hmmm. I generally write from the centre ground, I'm certainly no Trump supporter but I also think presenting the world in a binary of 'goodies' and 'racist bigots' is a little short-sighted. It's not that you have to win these people over per se, most won't be won over if they're hardcore MAGA folks. The people you're trying to win over are those right of centre voters who would normally vote Republican and find themselves torn between sticking with the party they have always known, even if that party has been subsumed by a Trumpist agenda, staying at home, or coming out and voting against the party.
Consistently labelling everyone who disagrees with your position a racist bigot doesn't endear those voters to the left. It makes the left, and perhaps most importantly the centre left, look like a bunch of screaming histrionic 'liberals' - by which I mean the new definition of 'liberal' - which appears to be 'believe what I tell you because you're a fuckwit, and if you don't believe what i tell you then you don't deserve a place in society'. Nothing about that position is liberal by any stretch of the word or political imagination.
Pushed between actual fascists and liberal fascists, the moderate right will stay at home. That wouldn't be a problem if your system ran on a popular vote, but it doesn't. It runs based on what key voters in swing states think. You can get everyone in New York and Califorinia to come out swinging for the Democrats and it won't mean a thing. Here in the UK, the whole of London came out for Jeremy Corbyn and he still got defeated. This is tactical and histrionic blame games aren't the answer.
What is required is for sensible moderates of both flavours to agree their plan of action. How are the Democrats going to actually offer something tangible to the Conservative base, without turning it into either an identity fuckabout or a lecture on gun rights. How are the moderate Conservatives going to take back their party without it fracturing in two - and what's the plan to stop this happening again and again?
There isn't one at present.