by Odesia Howlett (racist hand-dryers) (the casting of Bridgerton is racist) (the casting of Lovecraft Country is racist)
The articles I found were on Medium but no doubt referenced or re-wrote elements of these sorts of stories. There was a real heyday for 'everything is racist' articles on this platform between 2019 to 2021. Huge audiences were grown disproportionate to the quality of the ideas or the writing. It was open season on almost everything and much of this resulted in pointless discussions which neither forwarded the conversation in any meaningful direction nor did anything to improve race relations.
Here's me getting pissed off with its inherent stupidity nearly two years ago.
And here's me again considering the implications of encouraging such writers to be the spokespeople on race.
You're exactly the sort of person who should be holding writers like me to account for what we write... and that can only be a good thing. The internet is full of trash talk but we must be careful to determine what is trash and what is 'stuff we disagree with, but still has merit'.