I agree. But I also don’t think you can solve racism with a populist right wing Government - and that’s the likely outcome of any country that cant muster a decent left wing opposition. That’s what’s happening here in the U.K. We have elected a racist idiot, a top team of idiots, and the opposition spends more time kicking itself than holding the Government to account. The main critique being the politicians have embraced metropolitan identity politics and are out of touch with their core voter base.
My argument isn’t that we should uphold white supremacy. It’s that the current method selected to challenge it won’t work. It’s far too divisive, far too easily pushed into race baiting - and splits the political base voters required to overturn it.
As Jeremy rightly said, he is entitled to argue his truth and sees my views as pushing race issues into the long grass. Mia has been far more critical as she believes it’s hypocritical to argue my position (though it should be said, not entirely aware of my race). My concern is that the fallout from identity based politics will push the left out of political power and prolong racism across the board. It moves away from the core socialist philosophy of people like MLK into new right wing (by virtue of its structure) territory.