I agree in part with this article, but it's failing to acknowledge that there are two separate things at play here. The reaction of the internet and in articles on Medium was a conflation of everything he did and said as 'abuse' - much of that was kink shaming. If two people want to engage in textual fantasies of blood drinking or canibalism, and the internet uses that as evidence of him being 'a bit wrong in the head' then that strays heavily into the court of public opinion and judgment. You shouldn't begin with hyperbolic 'Armie Hammer wants to eat his girlfriends' style article if there's a serious point to be made... It undermines the victims and was widepread kink shaming. That has muddied the waters somewhat between generalised digust at sexual proclivity and outrage at abuse.
What you've outlined here in this article are specific examples of abuse. Those are separate from the 'we don't like what he does' opinions - those are accusations of abuse and will need to be taken to officials to prosecute. If Hammer was stupid enough to stray off the consented to activities, then he deserves to be prosecuted with the full weight of the law. If he can produce written or video evidence of consent to these (and he might be able to), then he can use that to defend himself in court. Without being given all the avaialble information we are inferring guilt rather than proving it - an anonymous woman on Instagram saying something is not the same as presenting evidence of abuse.
Lorenze has plenty of evidence including physical scarring - and that will work to her advantage in court. This case is within the statutes of limitations. I have no idea why everyone thinks this should be handled via social media rather than the participants respective legal teams. As I said in the beginning of this comment, the general public aren't the best at maintaining cohesive arguments. The second this was avaialble for public speculation was the second the whole thing turned into a social media shit show - it won't help her, it won't help him and it won't help anyone who enjoys consensual BDSM relationships.