I also read this article and I can’t remember if I commented or not. I have trouble with Rivka’s work that stem from Rivka as a person. On the one hand she’s an excellent writer, on the other hand she’s unbelievably rage filled and it pours into her work on occasion. There are reasons for that rage stemming back to her childhood and I am aware of those - so when I slam a piece of hers, I try to do it respectfully but with clearly defined boundaries and very clear messages that lack ambiguity.
Rivka’s rage isn’t fourth wave feminism, and there’s a danger in society conflating the two things together. Her anger at men and at women she perceives to have betrayed the cause is out of step with reasoned steps towards equality. What terrifies me with many of these feminist writers is how big they can grow an audience off the back of faulty reasoning and how little pushback they can take if anyone dares question them. Gillian Sisley, Katie Jgln, and Ossiana Tepfenhart have all blocked me. Big names. Big audiences. Cannot debate.
To her credit, Rivka can and does take criticism (at least from me) and I hope in the fullness of time - and with some therapeutic input that she can see the impact her childhood has upon her writing. You have flagged her because her work is about a young mother, but her work about men is often equally ill-reasoned and accusatory.
It’s a shame because the algorithm will reward her for such a position and we’ll get more of it. Part of me hopes there’s a therapeutic benefit for her in writing such stuff, but the level of kickback from men in particular may simply reinforce what she already thinks.
This is a clear and concise summary of why her work isn’t feminist and I hope she sees it. I also hope one of her many followers doesn’t report you - that does happen and then you have to go to the naughty step. :o(