I am not a controversial conservative my friend... the writing in this article may give that impression - but I am most certainly lefter than most. My political alignments can be found here. Left-leaning libertarian. Think Noam Chomsky. https://medium.com/p/dc04f4267b96
It's a good solution - but I can't see either state going for it. The chances of Hamas agreeing to agree their Supreme Court can be a liberal democracy (no matter how mundane) are precisely nil. Israel almost certainly wouldn't go for it either - and I doubt the Americans would let Europe interfere in the laws of their primary allies in that neck of the woods. Secularism is a good idea but secularism tends to be the preserve of white folks from Europe. There could be a two state solution arbitrated by the UN if it decided to grow some balls but I can't see that happening any time soon either.
As we both agreed. Complicated as hell. It's going to rumble on for an absolute age - and I can't see a viable solution emerging anytime soon. It took us Brits 300 years to get to grips with Ireland and that's rapidly destabilising again - and pretty much nobody round the world had a vested interest in Ireland vs England continuing ad infinitum for financial gain. I think it'll rumble on for another five hundred years or so.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting - and excellent work on the Karate. It is indeed of benefit, particularly to young women. :o)