I can oppose Netanyahu and Hamas - and I do. I don't think either is very good for the world. Using this logic, I could also explain the centuries long winding route the Jewish people took to get a recognised state, starting at Nebuchadnezzar II, via the Rhineland Massacres, the Blood Libel Accusations, the Cossack uprisings, and ending in the Pogroms and the Holocaust. It really depends where you start throwing the history around in your favour.
Or does none of that count because you only want to explain the rise of Hamas from the Muslim brotherhood in 1929, the ideal window from which to draw a historical conclusion you have pre-decided..... in doing so you may have glossed over two thousand years of antisemitism in your desire to quickly apportion the role of goodies and baddies.
The far right of Israel and the religious autocracy as practiced by Hamas are both terrible examples of man's cruelty to man. Picking and choosing where you want to start a discussion about historical precedence simply adds fuel to the fire. I can explain in great detail why Ted Bundy went around killing women, I'm not going to give him a rosette for doing so or let him run the local council.