I didn't dismiss people's experiences - the experiences is valid, as is the cause, and the necessity for overcoming the bigotry and systemic oppression of a whole bunch of people. I just think you can't fight the problems of inequality by leaning into the identity aspect. You have to lean away from it - make the arguments for common underlying humanity and ensure the laws are enforced fairly and make no distinction between such things. Legacy placements and nepotism are just as shit as affirmative action because they allow social meddling and need to be stopped.
There's this underlying 'with us or against us' mentality that pervades the left wing identarian movement, as though a lack of agreement with everything stated by someone arguing from identity suggests a lack of compassion. I disagree. I think you can have idiots of all flavours and refer you back to Ms Suque's ill-advised rhetoric about Middleton. Is she making things better or worse for Black folks? Hard to tell - I think in the short term she might make people feel better, but in the long term she's just a tool for the continuation of white supremacy which I fundamentally disagree with. You can't find misogyny with misandry, you can't fight racism with race baiting. You have to apply universal socialism and empower people to be different but respectful.
That's why I'm in the Steve QJ camp on about 99% of the race stuff he writes. You may disagree - but we can disagree with such things at length and that's part of the fun of Medium. :o)