I didn't reply because I was swept up in god knows how many comments, it turned into a train wreck and your comment seemed to stand as its own rebuttal. I also wanted time to think about why it should or shouldn't be a matter for the first amendment.
So here is my concern (as a dystopian fiction writer) - what happens when babies are able to be removed at the point of conception? Let's say it was more than possible to remove a baby and grow it in an external sac, something that would be better for the mother and better for the baby. I don't see this as being particularly far away - even if it does feel a bit Matrix(ish). To whom does foetus belong and what rights does it have?
Does the foetus belong to its two genetic chromosomal donors? Does it belong to them plus the State/Medical community? If the parents do not want to look after the baby once it has reached maturity then does it become a ward of the State? If I go and switch the power off in the building, am I guilty of manslaughter? murder? Or property destruction. Is this still a religious matter in which the State cannot and should not take a position?