I didn't. That isn't the point of the discussion. The point of the discussion is that an insistance on identity politics as an argument makes virulent racism worse - because of simplicity of the statements made. You can argue that black people are less privileged than white people - it's a valid argument, but it's not one that's universally true for all black people and all white people. It's too broad brush. You can argue that Denzel Washington has less privilege than a homeless white guy - but that doesn't make it true, especially from the point of view the homeless white guy.
And it's the simplicity of the identity politics argument and how it flies in the face of the lived experience of underprivileged white people that causes racism to become more virulent. Trump knew that. Demagogues know that. Racism can be and is used as a tool for political gain - and the left wing 'woke' angle falls into this stupid trap repeatedly. That's why racism is getting worse and the discussions are getting more pointless - any attempt to intellectualise the problem or talk in any further depth is branded as 'racism' - usually via a Kafkatrap.
To refute your point, the only way to end racism is to intellectualise it, and put it back into the hands of individuals and out of the hands of group. Groups of people of all colour tend towards the lowest common denominator and group think. Identity politics is a mistake.