I disagree. This writing isn't meant to cause division, it's meant to highlight a division that already exists- and I'll try to explain why as succinctly as possible. The urgency with which BIPOC rights are being called for and the hyper-inflation of 'racism at every turn' - including articles on this site, which equated Pixar films and the casting of Bridgerton with decades of systemic oppression have muddied the waters. The discourse has become polemic and unhelpful - broadly speaking BIPOC = Good and White = Bad. The knee-jerk pulling in every direction and the overt contrition many white liberals signal on a daily basis leads precisely nowhere. It might feel empowering - but the reality is the status quo remains. You end up in a circular loop.
By far the biggest danger to BIPOC is the radicalisation of the white working class by demagogues like Trump. Trump was feckless, but he knew his base. He knew exactly how to whip up support and someone cleverer than him will have made notes on his playbook and be around in 2024.
As I've said many times before, you can make the case that Oprah Winfrey has less priviilege than a homeless white guy - and in many cases I'd agree with you. But you try and take that message out to white homeless people and see how far you get. The rhetorical arguments of the intellectual middle class are lost in the cut and thrust of the real world.
For me, the solution comes with moving the white working class back to the centre ground by offering them (and all poor people) medical care, nursery places, libraries, educational provision that's fit for purpose. If you raise poor people out of poverty the mindset of 'everyone else is trying to steal from me' goes away. You take away much of the fuel for racism. Throw in some decent sports programmes for kids, some social mixing in community groups and some social housing and you've got yourself a more racially harmonious society.
That isn't a rebuke of BIPOC calls for racial justice. I'm a left wing liberal, of course I want racial justice.... but the rise of the intolerant tolerant (often white folks) is having the reverse effect to the one they think. I don't think you can mandate racial equality by shouting at people for being the embodiment of evil.... it doesn't work. If the left abandon the economic argument and go all-in on identity politics, then I think America will fall blindly into a race war, one that will disproportionately affect BIPOC, and I think that's terrifying.
You might also hate this article. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/how-some-bipoc-writers-uphold-white-supremacy-9c9699e9866b
and this one goes into more details about why I think the left shouldn't go down the Identity politics route. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/what-we-all-lose-when-society-plays-identity-politics-397dcb896d5b
Thanks for dropping by and carrying on the discussion. :o)