I disagree. What happened with the Clinton/Lewinsky thing was a series of decisions made by two adults of different ages. They were BOTH responsible adults and should have BOTH resisted the affair - or more accurately they should BOTH have had the affair and been subject to the same treatment.
It is not the affair which is the problem here - two adults can do what they like - and provided both fully consent and fully understand the nature of consent, the rest of the world should simply shrug and walk away. The Lewinsky/Clinton shamefulness doesn't stem from the affair itself, but from the reaction of the general public and the throwing Lewinsky under a bus as political expedience. That's what Clinton did wrong, but it's what everyone else did to Lewinsky that needs examining. If everyone else had just shrugged and got on with their lives, she wouldn't have been put through the wringer.
In another world and without the judgmental nonsense stemming from treating adult women as 'delicate little creatures who don't know any better', - Clinton and Lewinsky would've held their hands up and just said 'yeah, we did it' and nobody would've batted an eyelid because it's none of their business. Sure, he's the President, sure he's married - but provided he didn't give her any state secrets (see the Profumo affair) then it's simply a matter for Bill, Monica and Hilary to work out between them. If they had sex in the office, it might be a matter of misconduct depending on policy - a policy which should've been applied equally.
We can't play retrospective power games with infinite variations and we shouldn't do it. It's disempowering and ultimately very harmful to progress.