I disagree, it's a pertinent question because every man has a mother. Women are as part of the system as men are. There are more boys spending more time with more women than ever before. That's certainly the case in Western Democracy and so I would expect to see a subsequent rise in empathy amongst boys - I would argue empathy has indeed risen, but we are in the middle of an alarming kickback. Why? What isn't working?
It isn't a silly question because I'm not trying to catch the author out. It's an interesting question because if there are indeed an entire generation of women who hate men - and I mean sincerely hate men and that hatred expands out from the systemic to the individual and then to the general - then we have a serious problem. This isn't a 'gotcha' - it's a serious attempt to see whether misandry and feminism are willing bedfellows and to what extent that might be feeding the problem.
SC has expanded on her position in an article (now linked at the bottom of this one) in which she invites feminists and misandrists to share their views. It'll make for interesting reading - because, if the parameters of hate do include children, then society needs to take a long hard look at itself. And no... I don't mean women need to take a long hard look at themselves. I mean society. Men will have to question what it means to have driven women to the point of hatred aimed at children, and women will have to consider whether that particular branch of feminism is helpful or a hindrance to their stated aims.
These are complex issues - and I have plenty to say. However, an echo chamber piece playing to a home crowd is not the place to say it.