I disagree — you can progress anti-racism by not factoring race into the discussion at all. I don’t. I’m an equal opportunity Penguin, there are idiots of all shades and creeds. Both racists and anti-racists centre race as of paramount importance in every discussion and I think far fewer instances of discrimination would occur if the focus was perhaps on poverty, on education and social programmes and on encouraging people to maintain a balanced healthy view of society and themselves that isn’t based around arbitrary identity groups.
There are some arguments to suggest Black people might have benefited from slavery. Even if those arguments were true — and I think the average Black person in the USA is likely better off than their distant genetic cousin in the DRC — such arguments require a gross simplification of culture, psychology and history. Most people can agree slavery is pretty awful, but those same people are more than happy to buy expensive trainers made by people earning barely enough to subsist in areas of South Asia. Again, there are nuances here.
I read what the Goddess Algorithmia throws at me and alas she has not thrown your work at me yet- I will rectify this by following and keeping an active eye out. :o)