I do see race - I'm not an idiot. It just isn't a defining factor about what makes someone worth listening to. You can call that 'ableist' if you want - I'd call it fair. Nobody said racism doesn't exist. I'm saying pointing at everything and shouting 'that's racist' detracts from the real-world consequences of racism. It's a problem inherent with running the world on the subjective whim of the loudest idiot available for comment.
As is often the case when faced with a reasonable argument, the default response of the 'woke' is this. Throw some buzzword at your opponent that calls into question their right to speak. Accuse them of derailing the discussion then declare you've had enough of it and leave. Probably heading for the nearest echo chamber to bask in the reflected glory of people who think just like you.
Must be nice to be one of the good guys eh?