I do try and take a centre ground perspective on most things, because that’s where the progress can be made. There are fringe absolutists on both sides of most debates and when you strip those people away, what you’re left with is centre ground rationalists trying to politely make sense of everything.
This issue is the single most complicated issue that any group of people can debate because it touches on so many different intersecting facets of what it means to be human. As you can see from the comments, there are strong opinions about where I’ve got the law right and where I’ve got the law wrong. That’s all good with me because nobody ever died of being more informed about something.
My hope, as is usually the case when I write something controversial, is to lure both sides into a good faith discussion with each other. If both sides feel like they’ve been listened to, then progress can be made. That’s pretty much how a democracy functions - and there’s nothing democratic about how Roe was implemented and nothing democratic about how it’s being struck off.