I don't refuse to accept the stats - I just see there's a general comparison to be made between the stats you've accepted on the basis of one study, and the stats I've provided on the basis of thinking the problem through. So, to summarise, your answer to 'how to get men to listen' is..... 'we're all exhausted, because we've tried to explain it to you in a patronising way about bears - why can't you all self-reflect. And why can't you self-reflect until you agree specifically with me, Mona Lisa Pri-Pri, and unitl you do I won't discuss the matter further'.
I think in the grand scheme of things, you're far less helpful towards an overall thrust towards gender equality than I am.
You don't see it like that - and that's fine. You're convinced that nobody listens and everyone who disagrees is wrong- that's usually the sign of someone who has spent far too long in the company of people who agree with them doing high fives and agreement at every turn.... as is the 'I cannot be bothered to argue with you anymore' trope. I get it a lot. There's safety in the herd. It's stupid... but at least there's not much to challenge the paradigm that men don't listen and aren't empathetic. Read the people who disagree with you - and presume for a second you might not have reached the absolute truth on your first go. :o)