I don't think that's necessarily the case - I haven't been following the media surrounding the case, but I have been following the case itself and listening to the testimony of those people called to the stand. Both sides of this marriage are mounting a propaganda war - but that's not what's happening inside the courtroom.
I would recommend that everyone goes to the source (the court) and watches for themselves how the witnesses, the plaintiff and the defendant conduct themselves under cross examination and re-direct.
The truth is not established in one court case and that is how it stands forever and ever without question. If that were the case, there'd be no point in having a court of appeal or a supreme court. This 'new' court case contains witnesses and testimony that were outside of the jurisdiction of the court case here in the UK. We are now seeing new evidence presented and the veracity of the statements of both parties is being decided by the jury.
The likely truth is that she has a personality disorder and he has a traumatic childhood - this creates a complex psychological codependency that would've been messy for both parties. Do I think he's going to 'win' - no. I don't think so. Do I think the evidence in court is providing some vindication for his side of the story, yes. Do I think the attacks on Amber Heard are warranted? Absolutely not. Do I think the initial 'throw Depp to the wolves' approach via social media in 2018 was flawed, you bet your ass I do. We cannot have trial by social media for vulnerable people, celebrities or not - it isn't good for them and it isn't good for wider society. I am very worried about Ms Heard's wellbeing and what her life will be like after this case, but by the same token - that op-ed and the subsequent reaction of society has left Johnny Depp with little choice. Go and watch the court case and decide for yourself, that's why it's being televised.
Here's the centre ground Penguin take. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/how-amber-heard-crashed-the-course-of-feminism-c0ec43ff7a52