I enjoy your writing, I disagree with a lot of what you write, but I enjoy reading it. If I felt I wanted to 'cancel' you, I could just block you or stop reading. You don't get my Medium money - and that's entirely fine. That's free market economics in action. A business makes the wrong decision, they'll lose customers.
But there are a few caveats to that... we're moving into the end point of capitalism, where each individual becomes a company in their own right. That's you. It's also me - and it's also (to some extent) every artist or celebrity. If you choose to critique Beyonce's music, you are critiquing her business and her skills. You were cancelled for expressing an opinion, not attacking Beyonce.
If you don't like Beyonce's personal views on civil rights, then what does that have to do with anything?
The question is should you be able to adversely affect the business accumen of someone solely on the grounds that you disagree with them? Because that's the road that cancel culture is leading society down. You're either with us and vocally so, or you're against us and you're being watched pending cancellation. It's a worrying direction to go into when a society collectively begins to de-humanise the other.
My critique of cancel culture isn't that it should be banned, boycotting has worked for many years. My critique of cancel culture is that when run via social media and the internet it a breeding ground for the lowest common demoninator of human psychology. Confirmation bias, illusory correlation and belief perseverence. These are informed decisions people are making, they aren't evidence based boycotts that have been carefully thought out by people who want to be informed. It's people responding unquestioningingly to the echo chamber they're in - and the one thing that you can be sure about if you're in an echo chamber? You're the good guys fighting the good fight, you always are regardless of what you're doing.