I guess you must be the star player in your echo chamber team of fuckwits. Congrats, you've finally pushed enough of my buttons to unleash the snarktillery.
Perhaps the centre ground isn't where you think it is and perhaps, just perhaps, the rest of the world isn't wrapped around such a solipsistic message enforced by intolerance and attack at every turn. The vast majority of people who read this article have managed to respond with sense and good grace, trans-writers, conservative writers, and liberals. There's consensus brewing and productive discussion happening - with the exception of you and this inexplicably hostile thread.
That makes you the outlier. You're not the outlier because you're trans. You're not the outlier because you're an excluded persecuted minority. You're the outlier because you're a fuckwit. You were invited to discuss, you've got interesting things to add - but you've got the interactional ability of an angry toddler.
So fuck off and sit on the conversational naughty step until you can learn to control yourself.