I had a very feminist friend who would lecture everyone for hours about the problematic behaviour of men. If there was a feminist hashtag she would be on it - but she would utterly overlook the behaviour of misogynistic 'bad boys' when she was with them. She would turn into a simpering subserviant little girl incapable of rational thought or standing up for herself. I watched as she would fetch them things they were too lazy to get, be patronised in public and objectified around other men.
This contradiction of course became her 'feminist' choice - she could be attracted to whomever she liked and behave however she pleased, but the difference between her two positions and the cognitive dissonance it created in her eventually came to light. She and I are no longer friends, in part because of this issue and her inability to recognise her own complicit toxicity.
At least you're aware of that feminist soul escaping and haven't tried to push it under the rug as she did.